Baltimore & Ohio Railroad
Willard, OH - Washington, DC
This will be a group of individual tour segments that will result in the ability to start in Willard, Ohio, and go from railfan location to railfan location, all the way to Washington, DC. This is a major undertaking, and may never get completed, but we've managed to get off to a good start. So far, a total of 153.4 miles have been completed and posted (see Tour Segments).
Contents And Navigation
Other Tours
Go here for a complete guide to the subject of Frograil's railfan tours. Find advice on a packing list, safety and planning considerations, and links to tour pages sorted by railroad/state and state/railroad.
Tour Overview
WHAT YOU WILL FIND HERE: From a particular starting point, each segment of this coverage will allow you to follow the instructions given, drive to a railfan site, then to the next, etc. etc. Traffic levels and patterns will be given, and the photographic/ lighting considerations for each site will usually be mentioned. You'll be told about Area Attractions, such as tourist and historic sites, as well as hotels and restaurants which are trackside or otherwise worthy of note. In short, you'll be able to plan an entire family or railfan-only outing or even a vacation from this guide, as it is completed in the months and years to come.
WHAT YOU WILL NOT FIND HERE: This is a railfan guide, not a photo collection. There are already many excellent and enjoyable railroad photo sites available, and one more really wouldn't add much value to the general railfan. You will also not find fancy graphics, as this is a tour guide, not an exhibition of HTML or graphics expertise. You'll be able to load these pages quickly and print them without waiting a week for each page to print. Also, you'll conserve toner in the process.
If you'd like to contribute to this effort, please contact me at, and let me know what you'd like to do. We'll work together: You supply the data/info, and I'll do the HTML stuff and upload it. You'll get a chance to review the fruits of your efforts before the general public sees the finished product, so you can let me have your corrections, additions and changes.
Tour Segments
Willard - Creston, OH
Creston - Newton Falls, OH 61.7 miles*
Newton Falls - West Pittsburgh, PA
West Pittsburgh - Connellsville, PA
Connellsville - Cumberland, MD
Cumberland - Harpers Ferry, WV
Point of Rocks - Baltimore, MD 57.7 miles
Harpers Ferry - Washington, DC 58.4 miles (includes Engle - Harpers Ferry)
*The completed portion of the New Castle Subdivision is "backwards", in that it is east - west. I'll turn it around and re-write it, but that's not a priority.
Contributors To This Tour
Tony Dannemiller, Paul Fatkins, Rob Richardson, John Stewart. Text and research support from Creston - Newton Falls, Ohio.
Peter Furnee. CSX logo
Train Gifs. All train gifs used within this tour are from the Ed Bindler's train gifs site, which is here.
Steve Okonski. Old Main Line, Mount Airy - Relay, MD
Jack Toomey. Harpers Ferry - Washington, DC
Tony Hill. Webmaster and text provider -- the guy who makes it go
If you'd like to contribute to this, or any other tour, please contact me at, and let me know what you'd like to do. We'll work together: You supply the data/info, and I'll do the HTML stuff and upload it. You'll get a chance to review the fruits of your efforts before the general public sees the finished product, so you can let me have your corrections, additions and changes.